
Discrimination .

Today is the last day of mental health awareness month , so I wanted to talk about a very common brain disease , This is called Discrimination , I was thinking to talk about this disease from a very long time . So let's begin-

 Don't you just hate it when you are being discriminated for doing something unfamiliar to others or looking different from others ? I am sure ones in your life you must have felt this .
The world is full of Stereotypes, like how people are going to look in one region, how a men / women or others are going to dress .
This is getting darker day by day, you will almost see fights everyday about ,whose religion is best or which rase is best.

Why can't we just change this , why can't we be a little more open-minded and except everyone as they are. If you or me are good it doesn't mean the other person is bad .

If we make a little change in our lives and except everyone as they are , the world be a better place soon .
Some of you will probably say ,"what change ? No one is doing discrimination , we are free." 
If you are one of them then tell me why "BLACK Lives Matter " needed to happened or why the hate between India and Pakistan , is same or why people still look down on LGBT ? Isn't it discrimination ? Tell.
I except ,not everyone is like this , but our majority is like this . We need to change this , you need to change this , I need to change this , You have no idea how your one step can change everything..
Let's hold each other's hand and walk together without thinking about what is your gender , skin colour, cast , etc and make this world a better place ......
Because , Aren't we same ?

By Akshita. 


  1. Such a good word!Keep going!πŸ’œ

  2. It's literally trueπŸ’―πŸ’―
    Discrimination and judgemental thinking are the most dangerous mental diseases and sadly majority of our society is suffering from itπŸ˜”


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