born to win.

I can win.

This world is not easy neither difficult it all depends on the perspective we see it with and the kind of people we live with.
 If life will give you hurdles then believe me it will also give you opportunities so never give up.

(Life will not always be the same way , life is like a rollercoaster.) I will not say obvious things like this , because you all know this , you know what even lucky people work for there luck , for example - you will say "Edison was so lucky ,he was not good in studies but he became famous." 
But you forget that he worked for that fame . Always remember Edison tried 100 times before making a bulb. 
So life will give you opportunities but first you need to pass those hurdles to grab it , because life is more like a race than rollercoaster. 

You should always believe in yourself other than anyone , because you are the only one who will be with you in the hardest time . 
You are someone very special , you are born to be something , everyday millions of people dies but only some of them know the meaning of there life . And if you know what is the very reason of your existence only then you can win.

Always remember-
You are not, born to die.
You are ,born to win.☺️
By Akshita


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